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Making Accountability Cool


Updated: Mar 20, 2023

Next Moves N.O.W is changing the narrative around being accountable and how it accountability is a fundamental quality of success.

Accountability is your friend

Being accountable keeps you in a more honest relationship with yourself. Although we are accountable to others, we're first and mostly accountable to ourselves and our behavior. This control of our emotions, decisions and goals can never be taken from you. These things are inherently YOU. Fostering accountability keeps you true to the values that dictate your decisions and determine your expectations. Many people become lost in a disconnect between their expectations for their lives and the actions they're doing each day. Accountability is taking a step back to analyze your goals and compare them to the life you're currently living. Like a mirror, accountability will show you where you are, and provide you a vision of where you ought to be.

Strong foundations build skyscrapers

#Accountability isn't the sexiest topic to discuss at a dinner party or at lunch with friends. Plainly put, people thing accountability and discipline are boring skills that don't align with the sexiness of success, happiness and control over your life. Next Moves N.O.W is working to change that by #empowering others to become more accountable to the actions that move them towards their dreams. By taking individual #responsibility, we uplift ourselves and those around us. Without a foundation of accountability, persistence, discipline and desire there is no sexiness of nice things, happiness, and the ideas people typically associate with success.

get accountable N.o.w.

The N.O.W. Daily Planner includes an #Accountabilitymirror activity where users list the things they should be more accountable to. It takes introspection and focus to determine the activities you should be doing to align yourself better with your goals. The accountability mirror and other activities in the N.O.W. Daily Planner guide daily growth through a #brickbybrick mindset. Planning each day through the N.O.W. acronym keeps you accountable to your long term goals while utilizing daily improvement. Join us and #makeaccountabilitycool by following your personal journey towards your definition of greatness.

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