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Your Cookie Jar 

The Accountability Mirror 

Cookie Jar & Accountability Mirror activity pages in N.O.W Daily Planner with goal setting
The cookie jar activity was inspired by a technique introduced by David Goggins 
I wanted to provide a visual framework to apply it to your life and planner use. 
The accountability mirror activity was inspired by a technique introduced by David Goggins 
I have personified the idea into an activity page

Think of those moments of sucess throughout your life. Those moments when you overcame an obstacle that seriously challenged you. Reflect on the critical stages of your life that lead you here today. Think of your wins, even if they're something you think is "small" to others. This is your planner and your story.

Write down those wins into the blank spaces provided. This page will be the record of all your previous achievements to reflect on this coming 180-days. Writing these events down is important, because it helps you internalize your journey. 

When you're in need of a boost, "eat" a cookie from your jar. You've survived 100% of your bad days thus far, this year is no different. Pat yourself on the back because you've done better than you think. 

Idealize yourself in the best form that you can achieve for yourself. This can mean many things so think about the traits, values, and features you'd embody if you were everything you wanted to be. 

Think about yourself today. Nobody is everything that they could be, and this is okay! That's the reason you bought this planner in the first place. Analyze your habits, your motivations and your strengths. Be honest with yourself and think of how you spend your time currently. 

Compare yourself today with the person you want to be at the end of the 180-day term. What changes in mindset, habit, behavior or outlook should you make to become the greater you. List these differences in your accountability mirror. These are the traits, habits and ways of thinking you should stay accountable to this term.

Structuring Desire Statements 

Desire statements in N.O.W Daily Planner
In this activity you'll be creating desire statements to repeat to yourself or reflect on when tested. 
To build an effective statement of desire, you want to define the subject of your desire, what you're willing to give up to obtain it, a timeline for its achievement and how exactly you plan to go about achieving this goal.
There are 4 different domains to write these desire statements in: 

Mental Growth 
Physical Growth 
Professional Growth

Rinse & Repeat 

Repeating these desire statements once or twice a day helps you internalize your goals and the why behind them. Laugh if you will, but the power of autosuggestion over time will influence your thoughts and attitudes toward yourself, your work, and your goals.
Desire Statements
My monsters bad habits page in N.O.W Daily Planner. Users describe their bad habits or vices with reasons they limit your potential.

Identify Your Monsters 

Your monsters, or vices are the things that you repeatedly do voluntarily that hold you back from being who you want to become. Monsters come in many different forms, and everybody's got some. 
Your Monsters Could Be:
- Drugs 
- Alcohol 
- Sex/Pornography 
- Unhealthy Relationships 
- Reliance on social media
- Negative Self Talk
"Addiction has 2 primary qualifiers: repetition without progress, they produce incapacity as a pay off." 
- Stephen Pressfield 
List your vices on the right hand side of the page. Awareness is the first step to solving any problem.
Below, write the negative consequences you face from repeatedly being a servant to these monsters, desires or vices. Our monsters have an evil way of robbing us of our will and replacing it with surface level pleasure or distraction. 
Be The Hero activity page where users list reasons they want to beat their bad habits and list their strengths, values and virtues they'll rely on to be their hero.

Be Your Hero 

List the reasons you want to defeat these vices, monsters or addictions. Think about the influence they have on your relationships with yourself and others.

Consider their impact on your physical and mental health, as well as how they affect you professionally or in school.
Now its time to be your hero, this page is all about the reasons you can defeat your monsters.
List your strengths, traits and resources you can rely on to help you defeat your monsters.
Write down what it is in you that truly wishes to be free from the things that hold you behind. Taking action to control your chaos will help you regain more power of will and confidence.
There's a reason a dragon guards the treasure. The same holds true relative to personal hurdles in our lives. 
Identify Your Monsters

Identify Negative Influences 

Negative influences are everywhere and they take many different forms. 
Page where users list their negative influences in the N.O.W Daily Planner such as social media, negative people, unhealthy lifestyle choices etc.

For this activity 

Write a negative influence in your life in the gray bar and then list one reason it negatively affects you in the red bar. 
These negative influences can include: 
Social media telling you how to feel, telling you what you're doing wrong, or exposing you to generally negative content repeatedly 
Close friends or family telling you "you cant" or doubting your ambition towards your goals or passions
Their input is sometimes valid, but commonly is a projection of what they would do if they were brave enough to put themselves in your position. 
Negative Influences
Page in N.O.W Daily Planner where users write ten I ought to statements for the term. Users set goals they'd achieve for their higher self.

Explore Your Potential

Aim high and create some goals for things you ought to achieve this term. Make your side quests.

Think about the skills you'd learn if you had the time or energy to do them. This is your opportunity to say yes and choose growth.

What are those things you ought to do that align you further with your passions, community or goals

If you ought to lose twenty pounds this term, list it. 

If you ought to get A's & B's in your classes, list it.

If you ought to get a post-graduate job. List it.

At the end of your planner, you'll be able to check on your progress towards your I ought to statements. I built this page to give users a benchmark to analyze their growth this term. 

End of Term Reflection 

Reflection activities at the end of the N.O.W Daily Planner help you recap your term, show your growth and understand what you've learn this term.
It's okay if you don't achieve your I ought statements this term! Progress is not always linear and requires many ups, downs and pauses sometimes. Write here what you learned by achieving or not achieving the subject of your desire statements. 
I Ought Statements
Installing New Habits page where users build new habits they want to learn this term using their planner.

Installing New Habits

This page is about writing habits you wish to "install" in your routine this term. 

Describe your habit, what kind of habit is it? Mental, Physical or Otherwise? 

Write what new habit you'd like to develop, describe how you'll create it and how often you plan to be performing this habit. 

Repeat this and develop a list of four habits that you wish to install this term. When you're using your daily planner, include these habits in your Ought to do category. These are the things you ought to include in your day to develop consistent healthy habits. 

Installing New Habits

Missing my Idols

Remember your idols growing up, or your idols today. 

They can be fictional like a movie character, superhero or someone you've never met like an athlete, philosopher, artist or otherwise. 

Not only are our idols the people or figures that we look up to, they're great templates for success. This framework was designed to reflect on what success is to you to identify traits, features and other themes that make him/her/them successful. 

On the remember your idols page users list their idols fictional or real. They also describe which traits make them your idol and what you've learned from them.
Label Your Idols

The Six Ghosts of Fear

Analyze the six ghosts of fear to understand which ones affect your life the most
Six ghosts of fear description for users to think about.

This idea was introduced by Napoleon Hill, I personified it into an activity form 

Analyze the six ghosts of fear to understand which ones affect your life the most

What fears are holding you back? 

Take a look at the six fears listed in this section:

What fears stick out the most to you? 

Which ones are you most fearful of? 

The six ghosts of fear audit
Six Ghosts of Fear

Long Term Goals!

Setting long term goals is incredibly beneficial for your planner and how you use it. 

Create a long term goal for the next 180 days. This goal can be anything you think is worth achieving in 6 months. 

- To lose 25 lbs 
- Repair relationships 
- Increase work productivity/value 
- Learn to make videos

Page where users design long term goals and choose a domain of growth for the goal, you list what you're willing to give up to obtain it and the reward you'll recieve for achieving the goal.
Long Term Goals
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